Purchase or Lease

Tired of rent increases and not owning your own business space?
Own your own office/warehouse, for the same or even less than renting!

3300 Dacy Lane, Kyle Texas

Ideal for contractor garages, startups, entrepreneurs, or anyone requiring additional warehouse and office space. Our units range from 1200sqft to 12,000sqft, tailored to accommodate your growing business.

17ft - 14ft roof heights offer more rack space

LED lights in the warehouse and office ensure a bright and efficient environment. Pre-fabricated modular offices offer unlimited configurations as your business grows.

Phases of Construction

The business park will be built in 4 phases comprising a total of 13 buildings covering 137,550 sqft. Phase 1 is scheduled for completion Q3 of 2024.

Current status as of 8/27/2024

Buildings are going vertical !

Our dedicated crews are making incredible progress at Dacy Business Park, even in the face of 100°F+ temperatures. Over the past two weeks, all three building pads have been successfully poured. To avoid overheating and potential cracks, our team began pouring concrete at 3:00 AM, taking advantage of cooler morning temperatures. Thanks to 4E's efforts in keeping the pads cool by spraying them with water, we’re maintaining the integrity of the slabs.

Exciting developments are underway as building erection has commenced. You can now see the metal frames rising from the foundations. Additionally, today we witnessed the installation of septic tanks, carefully lowered into place by crane. Ongoing work on the fire line, wastewater systems, and forced main for the septic system is also progressing smoothly.

Priority Access

Join our wait list for priority access to the first spaces available.

Map To Business Park